One of the hardest things we run into, is doing it ALL. We make everything from the raw materials up and it's already a ton of work. The real challenge has been keeping the website and all the virtual reality stuff updated with new styles/colors. AHHHH THE PIXELS!!!! We're constantly cranking it out and we've made it a concerted effort this year to keep things so fresh n so clean (clean). In doing so we've been able to work with some fine folks along the way, like the models and photographer from our most recent photoshoot.


We shot over 200 products with one of the most talented photographers we've ever worked with. His name is Evan Anderson, and wow whatta gift he's got. Check out some more of his work on his site

One of our models from this shoot, Fay Grant, is also one of our very good customers. We private label garments for her kid's clothing company mini + meep which donates a part of it's proceeds to UNICEF's Children's Rights & Emergency Relief Organization and supply children with lifesaving materials like clean drinking water, essential vitamins + nutrients, and counseling. On top of mini + meep, Fay also runs another social justice enterprise with one of her best friends called The Tote Project.The Tote Project is based on a friendship, on a shared dream. It is a shared passion for empowerment, for restoration, for freedom. Fay Grant and Michelle Chavez founded The Tote Project because they believe that there is hope for the millions of victims of modern day slavery worldwide, and they want to do their part to support recovering survivors pursuing their dreams. They donate 20% of our profits to Two Wings to help survivors of human trafficking in the United States pursue their dreams. We're so thankful to be able to work with someone as kind and thoughtful as Fay. Check her projects out!

Our other model for this shoot was Alayna Dickerson, who is an aspiring actress that lives here in Asheville. She does some modeling on the side and hopes to move into full time acting very shortly. 

We really appreciate these kind people helping us out! It's so nice to do what you love to do and to be able to share it with others. We hope you enjoy some of our work too :]



Oktober 10, 2017 — Corey Jones