Our Process

We take pride in the way we make things. We’ve been taking the high road for quite some time now, and we enjoy every moment! We can sleep with ourselves at night simply for the fact that we’re working with what we got in order to do the right thing and make good decisions that in turn affect everyone. With this philosophy, we’re able to contribute to the change that we’d like to see in the world by doing what we love to do. Many companies fled the states, taking a lot of NC jobs with them, we stayed behind with the hope that by doing so we’d be able to strengthen and reinvigorate regional and community supply chains and the once thriving textile and apparel industries of the Carolinas all while fostering sustainable agriculture and land management practices by providing sustainably soft and strong fabrics and apparel that are nice to the wearer and the maker. We love our planet and what we do, so we sure hope you do too!